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What additional steps are required for Amazon Career Choice learners?
What additional steps are required for Amazon Career Choice learners?
Admissions Team avatar
Written by Admissions Team
Updated over a month ago

Two Additional Steps

Once you have fully completed our admissions process, your enrollment is still incomplete.

Your enrollment as a Career Choice learner is not finalized until you have also completed two additional steps:

  1. Submitting your tuition payment request for our program, which will remain pending in our system until week 4 (This step must be completed before the first day of program- more info available below in FAQs.

    • There is unfortunately a limited amount of payment requests we can accept for each course, and requests are solely on a first-come, first-serve basis. Due to historically high demand, payment requests fill quickly.

    • Guidance regarding this step and info such as the confirmation code will be sent to you directly via email from Please keep an eye on your inbox for this!

  2. “Selecting your required, weekly squad time meeting before your program start

    • Squad meetings are required weekly sessions that will continue throughout the duration of your program

    • This step can be completed using a survey that will be available in the My Merit America portal once your profile is created and the survey is live. You will be notified when this step is available!”

Once both of these steps are complete and finalized, your admission into our program is fully secured and sponsored!

Note: If there is a point in this process in which we are unable to accept additional payment requests, or there are outstanding conflicts with your squad time, your admission will automatically default into our next available cohort. We will also stay in close communication during this process, so you can feel assured of the status of your current enrollment or future options.

Important Context

Please see below for two additional, crucial details that relate to your sponsorship:

  • All enrolled Career Choice learners must have a compatible device available to use for our program (More info available here)

    • A laptop or desktop computer with reliable internet and minimum specifications is required for our programs

    • We are unfortunately unable to provide laptop resources for those joining us through Career Choice.

      • However, we do separately offer several wellness resources to those enrolled in our programs.

    • Many fulfillment centers have computer labs based onsite, and are able to be used for our programs. Please connect with your site HR to learn more if needed!

    • Unsure of your computer’s specifications? Please see the FAQs section for more guidance!

  • As a reminder: Payment request submissions must be completed before day one of our program.

    • Payment requests cannot be submitted after a program has started and cannot retroactively be applied to our course.

    • In addition, this time stipulation applies across all Career Choice eligible courses and across all Career Choice providers.

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